Navigating the path to Vaginal Wellness: A guide to the first steps of beating BV

Taking the first steps towards getting rid of BV can be a daunting task. I suffered with BV for many years and was ashamed to ever speak about it to anyone. I would go to my GP, and they would send me away with antibiotics but once I finished the course of antibiotics, by BV returned with vengeance within a week. I felt haunted, with no way of getting rid of this lingering issue. I had to do my own research to find out the root cause.
In this post I will explore some of the fundamentals of managing and overcoming BV. Reclaim your vaginal health one step at a time!

First things first – Get rid of those snacks!

I can not stress how much cutting out sugar made such a difference. When I mean sugar, I don’t just only mean cakes and shakes, I mean you’re whole diet. Cutting down on white bread, pasta and rice and replacing it with wholemeal or gluten free alternatives.

No Snacks

As I mentioned before those snacks are feeding all the things in your gut you don’t want it feed making your smell more intense. Let’s be real we do not want to increase the fishy smell.

Increase your Fibre

Yes! Fibre is your friend for healing your gut. I made a smoothie nearly every day with chia seeds added or for breakfast I had a chia seed pudding with diary free milk.

Get Moving

Working from home and being a new mum meant I was not moving nowhere near as much I use to. I wasn’t going on any walks, running, I wasn’t consistent in the gym. Basically, me and Netflix’s were best buddies. But I learned the hard way that my body was telling me to get off my arse literally because I started smelling like arse (I can’t believe I’m making these jokes now – it was not funny at the time). The main thing to do is get your body moving if you’re not doing so already, make it a habit to get the house daily or if the weather is moody then do a light home work out or like I tend to do – have a good old party by yourself and your favourite tunes.

Get your greens in

Eat your greens. My advice is to make sure with each meal you have make sure your plate is colourful and well balanced. If I knew I was slacking on my greens by the evening I will make a green smoothie.

Take a Pre-Biotics and Pro-biotics

There are so many different probiotics out there but if you are taking a pro biotic, take a pre biotic too – this makes sure you are getting the full benefit of each supplement

Take a Multivitamin 

Overall if BV is caused by poor gut health, so taking multivitamins will equip your body with the nutrients it needs, along with a balanced diet.

Do a Blood Test

I suggest getting a blood test done to see if you’re body has a deficiency in any vitamins which you will then know you will need to replenish those more in your diet.

Disclaimer: I am not a professional nutritionist, dietitian, or healthcare provider. The information provided in this blog is based on personal experiences, research, and general knowledge about gut health. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet, lifestyle, or health practices. If you have specific concerns about your gut health or any medical condition, seek the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional.

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